It's sad to say, but it's been five years since we moved onto the boat, and this is the first time I've actually recorded my thoughts/travels on paper (or the internet in this case). Five years of procrastination seems pretty bad, but in my defense i was just a kid. A twelve-year-old with the writing skills of a 7th grader.
Thinking back I regret not appreciating the boating life more, but I've been given a second change at it and there's no way I'm going to make the same mistake twice! But before I begin on what's happening now, I'd like to write about what's happened over the past 5 years *queue cool flashback music*:
We're originally from Boulder, Colorado, which is known for it's great skiing and beautiful mountain scenery, so I'm not quite sure when the idea of a boat came into the picture. We started this adventure off as a one year, cruise around the Caribbean- starting in the Bahamas and making our way down. Whenever I say that to people I always get "wows" or "incredibles"! But I can't even begin to explain to you how it feels to have your life be completely turned around like that. Don't get me wrong, it was incredible, and it is something I appreciate the most in my life, but to a 12 year old, prepubescent tween, it came as a shock.I didn't make a big fuss over it, or throw a tantrum. I knew that it'd be something I'd appreciate in the end, but the idea of leaving everything behind- school, teachers, and friends included- scared me.
Boulder, Colorado |
However, when we finally packed up and migrated down to a life sun, fun, and beaches my views changed. We started our journey in Harbour Island, Bahamas and worked our way down. Spent 3
EXCRUCIATING months in Treasure Cay, Abacos, Bahamas for hurricane season and headed down south. After making it to Saint Eustatius, a very small island with gorgeous diving sites and a little past Saint Barts, we moved on up to Puerto Rico.
Treasure Cay, Bahamas...Population 1,000
2 restaurants and 1 grocery store |
We heard of Palmas del Mar from a couple boating friends we met in a bar in Vieques. They told us of the new marina, the school, and the little community called "The Bubble" of Puerto Rico. I ended up taking the first three years of high school there.
Palmas Del Mar Yacht Club. A.K.A home for 3 years |
For my last year, though, we pulled out and headed back out into the ocean. My parents took the boat down to Grenada on a 72 hour haul while I had an internship in Shanghai, China.
After five months in Asia I finally came back to the boat, which is now in Trinidad with a new color, new interior, and shiny new bottom. Now we just have to wait for the boat work to finish and hopefully we'll be in a new island for Christmas!